2024 Award Application Details

The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award 2024

In 2004, we at 3Brain started our journey with the support of an EU project called IDEA. This initiative resulted in the development of a system that performs functional assays on in vitro biological models: a microchip-based High-Density Microelectrode Array (HD-MEA).  In 2011, we became the first company to commercialize this technology. Today, we provide researchers with the most advanced HD-MEA technology available - CorePlate™.

Now, we invite you to share your vision for the future of neuroscience! The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award offers a €15,000 prize to support a promising research project by an emerging scientist. This award recognizes the potential of ground breaking ideas using our technology. Therefore, your application does not require the inclusion of experimental data.

We offer this prize in honor of Massimo Grattarola, one of the leading scientists and pioneers in the fields of bioelectronics and neuroengineering. His ground breaking work laid the foundation for the creation of 3Brain's technology.

Join us in advancing neuroscience research. Submit your project idea for The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award.
Follow us on Twitter or Linkedin for updates on the award and other exciting developments at 3Brain.

In 2004, 3Brain started with the EU project called IDEA to introduce CMOS-powered cell-electronic interfaces into the field of functional recordings. More than 15 years later, 3Brain provides the most advanced HD-MEA technology to researchers in the fields of basic and translational neuroscience.

Now, it’s your turn to share your ideas and let us know how you would like to use our technology to advance neuroscience research. 3Brain is now offering a 15,000€ prize this year to support neuroscientists at the beginning of their scientific journey. Please note, that it is the project idea that is awarded, therefore providing MEA data in the application is not required.

We offer this prize in the name of Massimo Grattarola, one of the leading scientists and pioneer in the fields of bioelectronics and neuroengineering, who also laid the foundation for works that would have later merged into 3Brain's technology.

Thank you to all applicants who applied for this year's 3Brain Massimo Grattarola Award!
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter or Linkedin as the finalists have been contacted and now we await for the final winner to this year's Award!

3Brain's CorePlate™ technology

Application details





3Brain AG

Award Type


Award amount


Application deadline

November 1, 2024, 5:00 PM CET

Who can apply:

○ Applicants must hold a Ph.D. and have a minimum 50% position at a qualified institution (academic, government, or non-profit) worldwide.      
○ Applicants must be under 40 years old on the application deadline date.
○ A 1-year extension may be granted for maternity/paternity leave.

Eligible projects:

The application must concern a project idea related to one of the following topics:

In vitro disease modelling: Utilizing brain organoids or neural spheroids for human disease research.
○ Personalized medicine: Investigating patient-specific response in brain organoids or neural spheroids.
○ Identifying therapeutic targets in brain organoids or neural spheroids.
○ Investigating neural circuits using brain organoids or neural spheroids.
Proposals will undergo a two-round evaluation process, focusing on novelty, potential impact, clarity, and long-term benefit to society.

Uncertain if our technology aligns with your research?

Novel biointerface technologies are currently used in many fields of research. You can consult the image below for inspiration:

Learn more about the award: Explorer Series - The Massimo Grattarola Award

How to apply:

1. Download the application form.
2. Submit the completed form to awards@3brain.com by November 1, 2024 (5:00 PM CET).
3. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted in late November and invited to present their proposal (15 minutes) to the jury in early December (details in Terms and conditions ).

Past Winners

Dr. Rahel Kastli

Dr. Rahel Kastli (Harvard University) was the 2023 winner of the 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award!

"I am truly honored to receive the Massimo Grattarola award, and I want to extend my heart felt thanks to the distinguished jury for selecting my project. The opportunity to discuss my research with the jury and the talented finalists was a remarkable experience. I would also like to express my deep appreciation to my supportive lab mates, whose contributions have been invaluable.

In my project, I investigate the impact of autism spectrum disorder risk gene mutations on developing human circuits using brain organoids. Multi-electrode array recordings offer an ideal approach for high-resolution and high-throughput characterization of these circuits. This award provides me with the opportunity to further explore this avenue and gives me flexibility to try new approaches and expand my project."

- Rahel Kastli, PhD
Dr. Federico Brandalise
Dr. Federico Brandalise (University of Cagliari) was the 2022 winner of the 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award!

"I am very honored to receive this award and I would like to take the opportunity here to thank you all for giving me the chance to present my work and the evaluating committee to appreciate and giving me constructive feedback on the current stage of my project.

This is my very first award as a PI and even prior to the monetary price that comes with it, it has as an incredible motivational boost considering the challenges a researcher has to face when translating his expertise into a very different field of investigation. The Award will allow my group to buy all the necessary equipment to complete the first piece of research we have conducted during this first year. So a strong help on many sides for my young lab."

- Federico Brandalise, PhD
Dr. Martial Caillaud
Dr. Martial Caillaud (Université de Nantes) was the first winner of the 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award in 2021!

"I am very honored to have received this award and would like to thank 3Brain and the members of the Massimo Grattarola award committee for choosing my project.

I have just started my second postdoc in the "Inserm-U1235 TENS lab" at the
Université de Nantes (France) and my project focuses on the interaction between the gut microbiota and the enteric nervous system in autism spectrum disorders.

This award will greatly help me to initiate my research project in the lab. In addition, with this award, I will also be able to develop the electrophysiology approaches in the lab and in particular the MultiElectrode Array for the study of enteric neuronal networks.

- Martial Caillaud, PhD

By submitting your project, you agree to the Conditions from the date of the submission.


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